Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Recipe: French Toast: Multigrain Boule

French Toast: Multigrain Boule, Almond Breeze, Egg Beaters & Stevia 

1/2 c. Almond Breeze, Unsweetened Original (or Vanilla) 
1/4 c. Egg Beaters or Egg Whites
1 packet stevia
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp sea salt (eliminate if reducing sodium)
1/4 loaf, cut into four pieces - Multigrain Boule (our favorite is from King Soopers' bakery dept)
1 TBS 100% pure maple syrup (or agave nectar)
1)    Preheat a non-stick pan or griddle over medium heat. 
2)    Mix together the first five ingredients in a shallow bowl. 
3)    Slice ¼ of a loaf of the boule bread into two slices, and halve them again, for a total of 4 pieces of bread. 
4)    Dip both sides of each slice of bread into the wet mixture, and cook until brown on one side, flip, and brown on the other side. 
5)     Serve with one tablespoon of 100% maple syrup, divided over the four pieces.
Serves 2

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