Saturday, January 15, 2011

1-15-2011 Update: First Week Back to School

Weekly Results:
208.4 (gain of 0.6 lb), total loss since 1-1-11:  2.8lb.
Percentage body fat: 45.5%, no change from last week, and total loss of 1%
I am not taking my body measurements for another couple of weeks, so do not have results there, yet.

I was so sure I'd lost weight this week. I've been exercising like crazy, diligently for 45 minutes at and above target heart rate consistently.  My body has felt better and better (and slimmer and slimmer) each day.    Of course 0.6 lb is not that much of a gain.  As I reflect over the week, I can see where I ran into challenges with food/eating.  I also did some great things for myself.  Here's a rundown:

1) Not having fresh food, ready for my hectic week back to school.  I was working with dregs from the week before, so had fewer healthy options available, which included high salt in some prepackaged foods.

2) We went out to eat several times this week.  It is difficult and time-consuming to "guesstimate" the portions and total calories and salt in foods.  One occasion was for my mother's birthday, so we had cake for dessert (split amongst five of us, and I was very "good" and had two bites feeling satisfied with that.)  I LOVE Indian food and tend to not monitor myself as much there.

3) I know that I am building muscle, so some of the perceived gain is surely muscle, and I have lost some fat.  

4) I have an issue with retaining water.  And I do feel puffy this morning, this could very well be related to ovulation and the amount of salt I have had.

5)  I may not be drinking enough water.  One night I awakened with a severe foot cramp in my right foot, that night was rough, overall, but even though I felt pretty crummy the next day, I did my 45 minutes (a bit more gently than usual) and continued with all of my other goals, successful.  We keep our good, filtered, "blue-jugged" water up in a cabinet where the cats can't get to it, so I have a hard time remembering to drink more and more water.

6) I was diligent with the exercise and fairly diligent with tracking my food (except for the restaurant outings).  This was a good week in terms of starting classes, getting organized and on a schedule.  If I don't exercise first thing, then I tend to not do it since it gets pushed back on the back burner.  I did really great in that regard, and was exercised, showered and ready to roll on classes and homework by 8:30 a.m., most mornings.

7) We are up to 18 repetitions of the Five Tibetans.  They sometimes seem to get easier as we go along, sometimes.  We are aiming to reach for 21 repetitions each day next week.  We've also remembered to do our alternate nostril breathing each day, and focus on a different Course in Miracles Lesson each day.

In fact, today's lesson is interesting (well, they all are).  
Lesson 66:  My happiness and my function are one, because God has given me both.  
An excerpt that bears further contemplation:  Para7: "The second premise is that God has given you your function.  We have seen that there are only two parts of your mind.  One is ruled by the ego, and is made up of illusions.  The other is the home of the Holy Spirit, where truth abides.  There are no other guides but these to choose between, and no other outcomes possible as a result of your choice but the fear that the ego always engenders, and the love that the Holy Spirit always offers to replace it."  

So, my ego can get all wrapped up in the numbers, and the slight weight gain, and no loss this week, but the Holy Spirit that dwells within continues to know my Divinity and Holiness regardless of the status of my physical body.  For my peace of mind, I continue to focus on the Joy, Love, and Enthusiasm I have for living this life the most fully possible, knowing that I am God in expression, as is everyone around me.

8) EFT:  Essentially I did none this week, feeling as though I did not have time to sit and do it, even though it takes only a few minutes.  That is thanks to Pharmacy school starting.  I did put a note on my refrigerator regarding EFT, so that is a good start.   

I set fresh intentions for this upcoming week:
1) EFT!  Especially with issues regarding school, procrastination, distraction, etc.
2) Increase our repetitions of Tibetans to 21.
3) Drink 4 more glasses of water each day than I have been.
4) Grocery shop!!  Get a good stash of the healthy foods that contribute to my success.
5) Keep up the exercise/yoga/meditation routine!  

I am hoping to find time this weekend to share a couple more recipes.  This afternoon we are going for a nice long walk (after my lineup of patients) and then having a spa afternoon with Raindrop Therapy and Aqua Chi.  I'm looking forward to it!!

Blessings to All!

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