Saturday, January 8, 2011

1-8-2011: One Week Success

Weekly Report:
Weight: 207.8 lb
Weekly Change:  -3.4 lb
Total Change Since 1-1-2011:  -3.4 lb

Body Fat:  45.5%
Total Change:  -1%

It has been a successful week, overall.  My plan and hope is to keep this level of motivation up throughout, and to tap through, with EFT, any decline in motivation or enthusiasm.  The EFT made a difference on Tuesday when I went through my "Anti-Exercise" spell.  It was very interesting with the tapping, I was able to immediately bring myself to a place of neutral about it, and was happy about that mental and emotional status, but then a few hours later, I was feeling a surge of uplifting and joy move through me .  That was wonderful, and may not have happened if I hadn't cleared those thoughts and beliefs that were blocking the way of this surge of energy.

The last three days I have been very busy, so haven't been blogging as much, which is how it will probably be once school starts for me again next week.  I have more recipes to share, and will do so as time and energy permit between studying.  I will also use this intense PharmD program to note and clear with EFT the different strategies I've used in the past regarding stress and food.  I see this semester as a training to divert my avoidance behaviors, including randomly going into the kitchen in search of comfort food, or something else to do than study.  My intention is to be aware and cognizant enough to catch them.  I am going to write a large EFT sign on the refrigerator's white board as a signal to stop and assess why I am there.

I am also planning to integrate more relaxation into my studying.  Before, I was using relaxation as a reward for studying.  My Brain Integration Technique practitioner, Boyd, suggested that I find ways WHILE I study to remember to not become overstressed during studying.  Some things I'm going to put into action are using soothing essential oils and calming brain stimulating music while I am studying.  He suggested, too, taking the most difficult material and going to the hot springs to study it.  (This may mean we have to move there.  :-)) This way my brain associated learning the material with ease and calm.  I'm going to try it, especially seeing how coming right up is reputably the most difficult semester of pharmacy school.  This is not encouraging news since I've just had the most grueling school experience of my life, and I've been in a lot of school over the years.

Meanwhile, I plan and intend to continue to exercise and do the yoga and alternate nostril breathing for overall balance and de-stressing.  My body, mind, and soul love it when I take good care of myself, and I really look forward to wearing more and more of the clothes that have been hiding out in my closet.

My plan for today:  A wonderful walk around Evergreen, 18 repetitions of the Five Tibetans, alternate nostril breathing, track my food intake in My Food Diary, a Raindrop Technique session followed by a relaxing Aqua Chi Foot Bath.

Either later today or tomorrow I hope to return to an epigenetic concept related to body image in my family, and help clear it with EFT.  I will certainly report on that.

Happy Saturday with Great Energy!

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